Here is list of brief go lang programs
- Thursdays biweekly
- Corner clothesline
- Hexa string back to ASCII
- Loop over UTF8 string
- SVG command path for a circle arc
- URI percent conversion
- Printing bit literals – in this case ‘gm’
- String to binary bytes
- Binary bytes to string
- Create, read and delete a text file
- Create, read and delete a csv file
- Search if passwords exist in known password file
- Gregorian date to Julian date number
- CRD csv UTF8 file yyyy,mm,dd,temperature + julian date + cmd arg
- Conversion of the json string to the struct
- Read a json file and convert it to the struct: current and obsolete version.
- Subtitles json example
- Binary file to the source code
- Moving average
- isLeapYear including test
- Work with XML attributes
- Word counter utilizing map
- Go Tour exercise: 2 dimensional slice – picture
- list of paths to the node tree structure
- Regex params example
- Multiple variables settings