Short decimal ASCII characters table

Seven bit characters ASCII table is with us long time. Once a while we need to know value of ASCII character, mostly out of the alphabet characters. For example on Windows it’s possible to type any character by pressing <ALT> and typing decimal character value on numeric keyboard. Character A can be typed by <ALT>+65. Can be useful in remote environment. Below is golang program (or with hex columns), which is printing shortened ASCII characters table, mostly witch special characters. From 40 printed characters, there are actually 32 “special” characters, not counting A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space and del.

package main

import (

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Short decimal ASCII characters table")
	a := [8][5]int{
		{32, 40, 48, 64, 96},
		{33, 41, 57, 65, 97},
		{34, 42, 58, 90, 122},
		{35, 43, 59, 91, 123},
		{36, 44, 60, 92, 124},
		{37, 45, 61, 93, 125},
		{38, 46, 62, 94, 126},
		{39, 47, 63, 95, 127},
	for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
			fmt.Printf("%3d %s   ", a[i][j], string(a[i][j]))
Short decimal ASCII characters table
 32      40 (    48 0    64 @    96 `   
 33 !    41 )    57 9    65 A    97 a   
 34 "    42 *    58 :    90 Z   122 z   
 35 #    43 +    59 ;    91 [   123 {   
 36 $    44 ,    60 <    92 \   124 |   
 37 %    45 -    61 =    93 ]   125 }   
 38 &    46 .    62 >    94 ^   126 ~   
 39 '    47 /    63 ?    95 _   127    
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