Here are some notes from install and run HTTPS Tomcat on digitalocean inpired by Mavi’s blog.
on digitalocean: Ubuntu 18.04 x64 Memory:1GB, vCPU:1, SSD_Disk:25GB, Transfer:1TB, price:$5/mo Hostname:ubuntu18 IP: on my DNS provider web: Edit DNS A records for and ssh session to, user root # snap install docker 2018-08-29T15:33:20Z INFO Waiting for restart... docker 17.06.2-ce from 'docker-inc' installed #snap info certbot #snap install --edge certbot #apt-get update #apt-get install software-properties-common #add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot #apt-get update #apt-get install certbot . . .Setting up certbot (0.26.1-1+ubuntu18.04.1+certbot+2) ... Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /lib/systemd/system/certbot.timer. certbot.service is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it. #certbot certonly ...I choosed 1. spin up a temporary webserver (standalone) #apt install docker-compose #cd /root/app #docker-compose up
and, yes, I see Tomcat at