SVG: Quarter Circle Pies

Almost all modern web browsers are nowadays able to render SVG code. Here is example of the pies. From SVG to PNG format converted by  Bellow is code highlighted by and resulting picture.

<svg width="480" height="180" xmlns:xlink="">
<!-- Pies examples by Josef 2011-Feb-23-->
 <g id="quarter_pies">
  <path d="M0,0 L0,-200  A200,200 0 0,1  200,000  z" 
    style="fill:#ff0000;fill-opacity: 1;stroke:black;stroke-width: 1"/>
  <path d="M0,0 L-200,0  A200,200 0 0,1    0,-200 z" 
    style="fill:green;fill-opacity: 1;stroke:black;stroke-width: 1"/>
  <path d="M0,0 L0,200   A200,200 0 0,1 -200,0    z" 
    style="fill:blue;fill-opacity: 1;stroke:black;stroke-width: 1"/>
  <path d="M0,0 L200,0   A200,200 0 0,1    0,200  z" 
    style="fill:pink;fill-opacity: 1;stroke:black;stroke-width: 1"/>
 <g id="one_quarter_pie">
  <path d="M0,0 L0,-200  A200,200 0 0,1    200,0  z" 
    style="fill:#ff0000;fill-opacity: 1;stroke:black;stroke-width: 1"/>
  <path d="M0,0 L200,0   A200,200 0 1,1    0,-200 z" 
    style="fill:green;fill-opacity: 1;stroke:black;stroke-width: 1"/>
 <g id="exploded_quarter_pie">
  <path d="M30,-30 L30,-230  A200,200 0 0,1  230,-30  z" 
    style="fill:#ff0000;fill-opacity: 1;stroke:black;stroke-width: 1"/>
  <path d="M0,0 L200,0   A200,200 0 1,1    0,-200 z" 
    style="fill:green;fill-opacity: 1;stroke:black;stroke-width: 1"/>

 <rect x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fde"></rect>
 <text x="110"  y="28"
   style="font-family: Arial;font-size: 26;stroke:red; fill:red;">Quater Circle Pies</text>
 <use transform="translate(60,100) scale(0.25,0.25)" xlink:href="#quarter_pies"></use>
 <use transform="translate(180,100)  scale(0.25,0.25)" xlink:href="#one_quarter_pie"></use>
 <use transform="translate(300,100)  scale(0.25,0.25)" xlink:href="#exploded_quarter_pie"></use>
 <use transform="translate(420,100)  scale(0.25,0.25) rotate(-45)" xlink:href="#exploded_quarter_pie"></use>


Update: There is now tool to create pie chart.

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2 Responses to SVG: Quarter Circle Pies

  1. admin says:

    Link example for circle at center 250,100 with diameter 50:
    <a xlink:href=”” ><path
    d=”M 250, 100
    m -25, 0
    a 25,25 0 1,0 50,0
    a 25,25 0 1,0 -50,0″ style=”fill:white;fill-opacity: 1;stroke:red;stroke-width: 3″/>

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